Planning Your New Website – Fools Rush In

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With over 15 billion searches being made each month (comScore research) you already know that your small business should own a piece of virtual real estate so it can take advantage of this enormous market place called the internet. But before you race off and slap up a website, take a moment and think about just what it is you want to accomplish.

Website Design – 3 Top Tips For Effective Website Navigation

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There’s nothing more frustrating for website visitors than landing on a site and then not being able to find what they were looking for. The truth is they won’t spend time searching they will simply close out and go on to the next site. You obviously don’t want to lose traffic and potential sales because your visitor couldn’t navigate around your site.

Website Development – Do It Yourself Or Hire The Pros?

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You have a good idea of what you want your business website to look like and now it’s time to decide if you want to build it yourself or hire a professional designer and developer. With all the hype about how easy it is to build simple sites, the temptation to tackle the job yourself and save design and development cost is powerful. But think a moment about what you are really saving by doing the work yourself.